Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Fan Fiction!!!!

A Legend of Zelda Fan Fiction

The Legend of Zelda: Insanity of Darkness

Written by: Amari

Inspired by the song Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni by Shimamiya Eiko.

*DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything in this story except for Amari. All ownership rights go to Nintendo.*

Please enjoy.


Running as fast as he could, Link sprinted through the seemingly empty forest, tears streaming down his cheeks. How could she do this to us!? He asked himself, nearly tripping over a tree root. How could Amari tear us all apart like that!? Why!? He cursed as he failed to dodge a low branch, his nose pouring blood. He wiped the new red on his sleeve and froze when a familiar yet insane laugh rang out from behind him. He slowly turned around to find a blood-drenched Amari standing behind him, her twins swords held loosely in her hands as if not there. Her evil grin and wide eyes seemed to mock him like lies buried under his skin. His own fearful eyes could not tear themselves away from the blood that dripped from her, her sister’s blood...
“Link, baby...” she cooed, lazily draping herself across his shoulders like an unraveling scarf about to fall. “I’ve missed you. Why did you run from me? Do you fear me!?” She cackled wildly and stepped back, gripping her swords tightly. Her fanged grin made him take a step back as she screamed, “Well, you have every right to!!!” She laughed frighteningly and took a drunken swipe at him. Link narrowly dodged and began to run back to Hyrule Castle. Even though she was merely staggering behind him, she managed to keep close on his heels. With each step he took, she seemed to take one hundred and catch up to him. She simply laughed and began to sing menacingly:

“Oni-san, come here, to where my hands clap

No matter how you flee, I’ll capture you

From the animal trail where cicadas cry

The voice that I heard is no more.”

He gasped and began screaming for attention when he saw two guards at the entrance to the forest. Unfortunately, they did not turn in time to see Link as one of Amari’s curved blades dug into the base of his neck. He gasped as blood spurted out from the new wound and fell to his knees, coughing up more crimson. With no more strength to stand, he rolled onto his back and looked up at Amari, who now stood over him as Death looms over it’s next victim. “Goodnight, honey. See you in the morning.” she whispered as she came down with her sword.

“Take these fingers, my fingers

I’ll take you away with all of your fingers

To the unopened forest where cicadas cry

I can’t turn back anymore.”

Chapter One
Smiling up at the brightly shining sun, Link let out a content sigh and leaned back against his favorite tree. He heard footsteps next to him and he said, “You’re late.” Amari giggled sweetly and, taking his hand, replied, “No, you’re just insanely early. As always.” He chuckled and looked at her. He could never ignore how much he loved her. Her gorgeous blond hair that she only wore down for him, her sparkling emerald eyes, that sweet smile that never left her lips... he sighed as he remembered all of the good times that they had shared. She looked at him and said, “What’s with that far-away look? What are you thinking about?”
“I’m thinking about you. Like always.” he replied, flashing her favorite crooked smile. He kissed the top of her hand lightly and helped her up as he stood. Taking one quick glance at the diamond ring on her left hand, he asked, “I’m assuming that you haven’t told anyone but Zelda?” She shook her head and looked up at him lovingly. “I wanted to tell Father with you. He gets scary when he’s suspicious!” She shuddered playfully and the two laughed at the thought. “How about this: We’ll both tell him when you beat me in a race out of the forest! Okay?” She asked, winking. Smirking, he released her hand and replied, “You’re on!” The two rushed through the trees in perfect unison, laughing as they raced one another. Link soon got a head start to where he could not see her behind him.
He was about to win when he heard a loud thud followed by her scream. He stopped and instantly headed back, concern distorting his features. About five feet back from where he stopped, he found Amari struggling to escape the bonds of black tentacles trying to pull her into the darkness. She desperately reached for him, fearful tears streaking down her cheeks. She tried to scream his name but was cut off as a black tentacle slithered across her lips, dripping in what seemed to be human blood. “I’m coming, Amari!” Link cried, drawing his Master Sword. He managed to slice the large tentacle around her waist before one snapped at him like a whip. The large tentacle repaired itself by growing two more limbs in the missing one’s place and wrapped around her ankle.
The tentacle sent Amari into a head-first dive for the forest floor as more and more wrapped around her until she was tightly bound. Green eyes swimming in salty tears, she screamed through the silencing tentacle once more as she was pulled into the darkness before him. Before Link could reach her, Amari and the darkness that swallowed her disappeared into thin air. Dropping his sword, he stared in disbelief at the peaceful forest before him and cursed. He collapsed to his knees and ran a sharp hand through his blonde hair, the dry leaves cracking under him. What have I done? How can I call myself responsible if I couldn’t save her in time!? I’m so foolish!!! He scolded himself like this for a minute or two before he remembered that he should probably report Amari’s kidnapping to her family.
Although he was strongly regretting the trip to Hyrule Castle, he still knew that it had to be done. he would not rest until his beloved was returned to him safely. Returning to Master Sword to it’s scabbard, he stood and began to make his way out of the forest to Hyrule Castle. As he walked across Hyrule Field, he felt that every blade of grass was glaring at him accusingly, every whisper of wind seemed to blame him for her kidnapping. It’s all your fault... Some Hero of Time you are, not even able to save your girlfriend... You were too weak to save her... How could you let something like that happen to her?
“Shut up! Shut up, all of you!” he wailed at the sky, shaking with anger and self-hatred. A dark laugh frighteningly similar to his own rang through his head- Dark Link. “Good Gods, Mr. Hero! Hearing voices? You really are insane!” His shadow chuckled at him, sneering. “Shut up, DL! You’re not helping at all!” Link growled back, not liking how his shadow was sealed inside him. “I’m just saying, man. On another subject, you must feel terrible after losing your ‘beloved’ so tragically!”
“Wouldn’t you?” Link asked guiltily, sorrow filling his being. He remembered her laugh, her smile, the way she looked at him... “Don’t make me sick! Love is stupid!” DL hissed. “Which explains why you’ve never had it.” Links snapped, ignoring the next comment DL made as he entered Hyrule Castletown. He didn’t acknowledge anyone when they waved at him or called his name; he was too absorbed in his own thoughts. How would he ever break the news to her family? Where should he start looking for her?
Before he even realized it, he arrived at the gates to Hyrule Castle. The guards there greeted him warmly and let him in, noting that the King was expecting him. Link nodded and thanked them half-heartedly and continued on. He slowly pushed opened the doors to the throne room and was instantly ‘glomped’ by an overly-excited Zelda. “Oh, Link! I’m so happy for you and Amari. Don’t worry, I haven’t told Father about your engagement! I was saving that for you...and...” She trailed off, looking around. “Hey, where is Amari, anyway?” She stopped smiling when she caught sight of Link’s pain-stricken face at her name. She laid a concerned hand on his shoulder and asked, “Link, what happened? Did you and Amari get into a fight or something? If you did, then I-”
“Amari has gone missing. She was taken into the darkness.” Link interrupted, looking away from her. She reminded him too much of her sister. She gasped her light blue eyes widened. “When did this happen!?” She asked, taking on the role of a queen, the role she was born to play. “Not too long ago. We were in the woods and she was just...taken.” He answered truthfully, still refusing to look at her. She nodded and, with a serious expression on her face, she turned to the nearest guard and commanded, “Send a search party to every corner of Hyrule. Do not stop until you have found my sister. Understand?”
“Yes, ma’am!” He replied and left, barking orders to start looking for the missing Princess of Hyrule. Link sighed and led Zelda to the kitchen, where he fixed them both a glass of their best wine- Sauternes and Barsac. Although Link poured her half a glass, Zelda chugged in down in less than a second, gasping as she swallowed. “More.” She commanded, shoving the empty glass at him. He nodded and quickly refilled it, handing it back to her. Once more, it disappeared down her throat and she said, “More.”
“Please, be careful, Zelda. You could do some damage if you keep drinking it like that.” Link warned as he refilled her glass again. She sigh and nodded, taking more delicate sips this time. She laughed nervously and said, “It’s weird. Usually, I’m the one who gets kidnapped. Now that it’s Amari’s turn, I don’t know what to do.” She joked, trying to loosen the tight air. Link smiled pitifully at her and took a quick drink. New, frightened and confused tears rolled down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away as she said, “I shouldn’t be so worried. It is Amari, after all, the same Amari that can take down one thousand guards in under a minute with her eyes closed. Still... I can’t help but feel scared for her. Only the Gods know what could be happening to her.” Both she and Link shuddered at the thought.
Zelda looked at Link and said, “You look awful. You should get some rest. You know the room you sleep in when you stay with us. Go take a nap for a while. I’ll send for you if we find her, I promise.” Link nodded and, finishing off his wine, headed to the guest room. It was simple room with purple walls, grey flooring, and one window shrouded by purple lace curtains. A simple grey bed sat off in a far corner of the room with a small mahogany chest next to it. Without even taking off his boots, Link stumbled over to the bed and, the minute his head hit the pillow, he fell asleep. Soon, he was dreaming of when he proposed to Amari....
“Link, where are you taking me!?” Amari giggled as Link led her to his secret spot. “Somewhere special! I promise, you’ll love it!” He replied, stopping to cover her eyes. He led her even further into the forest until her reached a small break in the trees. “What is so much of a secret that you should have to cover my eyes?” she asked him, growing more curious by the second. He laughed and uncovered her eyes to show her an empty field. The horizon was broken by only one, large tree in the middle that had stood there for 500 years. Lilacs, baby’s breath, and lilies bloomed in randomized spots throughout the meadow. Amari gasped and clasped her hands in front of her. “Oh, Link! It’s so beautiful here! Whenever did you find such a place!?” She asked, grinning from ear to ear. “Yesterday.” He replied sarcastically, laughing as he ran to the tree.
She followed close behind, laughing as she caught up to him and managed to reach the tree before him. “I win!” She declared, panting. He laughed and held her hands in his. “So, do you like this place?” He asked, looking her deep in the eyes. Amari looked just as deeply back and nodded. “This place is beautiful! I’m just disappointed that I didn’t find it first!” She laughed. “Good, because I want you to remember this place for the rest of your life. And there is only one way I know that will help...” Link trailed off, reaching into his pocket. Amari’s smile replaced by shocked realization as he pulled out a small black box and got down on one knee.
“Princess Amari Yoshimitsu Hyrule...” Link started, opening the box. Inside, a small diamond enclosed in a gold Triforce balanced perfectly a simple gold band was tucked safely inside. Link removed the ring and presented in to her by asking, “Will you marry me? My life is incomplete without you. If you say yes, then you’ll make me the happiest man in all of Hyrule!” Amari stared at the ring and, as a smile spread across her face, she nodded. “Yes! Yes, Link, I will marry you!” She wrapped her hand around his neck and kissed him as happy tears spilled over her cheeks. When she released him, she allowed him to place the ring on her finger.
“But, Link...” she trailed off. He looked up from her hand. Horror spread across his face as he saw her neck split open and pouring blood. Her once green eyes were splattered with hideous black blood and more blood still ran down her chin as she asked, “Are you sure that you can protect me!?”
Link sat up sharply in his bed, covering his mouth to not scream out loud. He didn’t remember that part of the memory. He realized that his worrying over whether she was alive or not had affected his dreams. He buried his face in his hands and sighed as he tried desperately tried to clear his mind. He jumped in fright as one of the guards burst through the door and cried, “Sir! It’s Amari! She’s returned!” Link’s eyes widened as he got up. “What!? When!?” he asked, rushing out the door with the guard. “Just now! A watchman saw her arriving at the main gate!” The guard relayed what the watchman had reported as the two men sprinted for the main gate. She had been spotted staggering slowly across Hyrule Field near the horizon. By now, she had to be nearly at the gate, which had been opened for her.
When they arrived at the gate, they stopped and gazed as a blood-stained Amari stumbled toward them. She was gasping and clutching her right arm, a fierce look contorting her usually happy face. Everyone- including Link- who caught her eye shivered in fright and looked away. Link ran forward and caught her as she collapsed, losing all strength and will to stand. “Amari, baby, what happened to you!?” Link asked, petting her bloodied head. She paused, trying to remember, then cursed. “It’s strange, but... I don’t know. I remember being pulled into the darkness, but after that... it’s all blank. Next thing I know, I’m waking up covered in blood outside of Kakariko Village.
“My first thought was to go into town for a place to rest, but then I thought that I should come here. I’d assumed that you would go straight to Zelda and let her know of my disappearance- my thanks to you for that.” She cupped a hand around his cheek and smiled her normal, sweet smile at him. Her eyes became gentle and kind as she whispered to him, “I love you so much. I wish to rest now. Please take me somewhere that I can clean up and sleep.” She asked, green eyes dulled with exhaustion. Link nodded and, supporting her along the way, led her to her room where Zelda took care of her.
“She told me everything and instantly passed out.” Zelda whispered to Link as she closed Amari’s bedroom door behind her. “She seemed really tired, so we’ll just let her sleep until she wakes up on her own. If you go in to check on her, try to do so quietly. She needs her rest.” she warned as the two tip-toed downstairs to the common room. Zelda, now in more comfortable clothing, plopped down in a chair close to the fireplace and let out an exaggerated sigh. “Why does being an older sister have to be so hard!?” she complained. Link chuckled and sat in the chair across from her. “Well, at least she’s alive and well. That’s the best that we could’ve hoped for.”
“Amen to that!” Link replied, watching the orange flames dance in the fire. “I’m a little concerned, though. I mean, she doesn’t remember anything at all about what might have happened to her. She doesn’t know where she went, who she saw, whose blood she was covered in... it makes me wonder if she really forgot or if she’s hiding something. but, she seems so sincere about forgetting...”
“Oh, don’t be such a worrywart!” Zelda chided, shaking her head as she shrugged. “She’s alive and well, just like I said. We have absolutely nothing to worry about.” She stood and looked him in the eye. “Now, it’s been a long night, so I’m going to go to bed. You should get some more rest, too.” Link nodded and the two headed off to their rooms. Once Link reached his, he actually took the time to change in more comfortable sleeping garb and climbed under the covers. Although he knew that he needed to get more sleep, he couldn’t help but lay there in bed for a few moments longer, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about what might have happened to Amari.
Why am I freaking out so much? Zelda’s right. Amari is fine and I have nothing to worry about. What’s more, even DL’s being quiet for once, which is weird, but a blessing nonetheless. I should just...try to sleep... And as his thoughts drifted off, he soon fell to sleep. This time, however, he slept soundly and nightmare-free.
The next morning, Link woke to the sound happy singing below him and the smell of cooking bacon. The sound and smell drew him out of bed and down the stairs into the kitchen, where he found Amari and Zelda simultaneously cooking some form of breakfast and singing a chorus of a praise to Din. “Morning, ladies! What’s cooking?” He asked, sniffing the air curiously. Amari folded her arms across her chest and asked, “Gods, Link, is food all you ever think about!?” She giggle jokingly and returned to stirring the omelet. “We’re making a big breakfast for the four of us- yes, that includes Father. We’re making omelets, pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and french toast. That’s sure to make anyone’s stomach growl!” Link’s own stomach did the same to prove her point and all three laughed. “Good morning, my lovely daughters!” King Daphnes bellowed from the stairs, whistling tunelessly as he made his way over to the dining room table.
“I’m glad to see you well, Amari! My thanks to you, Link, for looking after her! I’m just waiting until you finally decide to propose to her, m’boy!” Daphnes laughed, smacking Link on the shoulder as he sat next to the King. “Actually, Father, he already did.” Amari announced, holding up her left hand and smiling. Daphnes’ face lit up and he suffocated Link with a big bear hug as he cried, “Aha! Well done, young Link! We shall start the preparations at once! We’ll have a royal banquet and all of Hyrule will be invited!” He bellowed, releasing Link. Link gasped for air and smiled warily back.
“Alright, you two, play nicely!” Zelda warned as she brought the two their overflowing breakfast plates. She flinched away as they dug in, shoving food into their mouths without time to swallow. Amari, looking disgusted, sat across from Link and sarcastically remarked, “I don’t understand why you don’t choke when you eat like that! Honestly, I’m surprised you’re both not hugely obese since you eat ten times your own body weight in one sitting!” Zelda nodded in agreement as she sat next to her sister. The girls had barely even begun eating before their father stood with empty plate to get seconds, followed closely by Link. Amari rolled her eyes and sighed as she took a bite of her french toast. She instantly spit it back out and coughed, clearly tasting something wrong. “Aw, crap! I undercooked the french toast! It tastes terrible!”
“Really? I didn’t notice.” Link and Daphnes said in unison as they sat down to bolt their second helpings. “After that, no more food for you, okay?” Zelda scolded, point her fork at them. They both nodded and grinned greasy, syrup-filled grins and returned to the breakfast. Later, while the sisters cleaned up the dishes, Link got dressed for the day and practiced a little bit of hand fighting in his room while he waited for them to finish. When he stopped, he found himself thinking about what happened yesterday. That was so weird. She just got kidnapped out of nowhere. Even weirder still is that she still can’t remember anything between disappearing and waking up again. It almost like she doesn’t want to remember, too... I shouldn’t linger on it too much! I’m going to take for a walk about Castletown today! He thought to himself. With one concluding thought about how weird it was that DL hadn’t bothered him since after Amari disappeared, he headed downstairs once more to retrieve Amari. He stopped at the middle of the stairway when he overheard a conversation between Daphnes and Amari.
“Amari, dear, are you sure that you don’t remember anything about what happened? If you can remember anything at all, maybe we can find who ever kidnapped you and punish them.” Daphnes asked, his voice dripping with concern. “For the last time, Father, I don’t remember anything at all! I don’t want you getting concern about this!” Amari dipped her head a little, smiling sinisterly. “Malon stuck her nose too far in this and she was executed for it! I don’t want you to do die, either!” She bit her lip and turned her back to him, looking ashamed. Malon... did she find Amari sometime after her kidnapping? Why does Amari seem pleased with the fact that Malon is dead? Link thought, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.
“I don’t know who this Malon girl is, but if you think that my concern for you will cause me harm, then I’ll trust you. But, I don’t think that you should get excited over someone’s death.” Daphnes chided. He smiled at her, then headed off to his bedroom. Amari stared after him, laughing darkly under her breath at him. Link waited for a few minutes before walking the rest of the way down the stairs to gain composure from his suspicion. “Hey, Amari! You want to hang out in Castletown today?” Link asked once she caught sight of him at the bottom of the stairs. She smiled sweetly at him and nodded. “Sure! That sounds like loads of fun!” She said, washing her hands. He smiled back and, taking her hand, began to lead her outside. He stopped when he felt a tug backwards and turned to look at her. “What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Link...” Her face was shrouded in shadows cast by her hair and her voice sounded ominous. When he finally found her glowing green eyes in the shadows, he could swear that they had cat-like slits for pupils as she asked, “How much of the conversation with my father did you hear from the staircase?” He froze, unsure how she would know something like that. Her eyes narrowed and she smiled as she repeated the question. He shook his head and quickly replied, “I didn’t even know you were talking to him. I was too busy practicing hand-fighting.” That’s such a scary face she’s giving me. How did she know that I was eavesdropping? I hope I fooled her well enough to change the subject! Link thought, praying that he was right.
“...Good answer.” She whispered, not meant for him to hear. When he gave her a questioning look, she smiled sweetly again and returned to normal. “Well, c’mon! Let’s go have some fun!” She cheered, now leading him into town. What was with that sudden change of mood? Link asked himself. Why did she look like that? Was it something that happened when she got kidnapped? Something’s fishy... He shrugged and decided to drop the whole thought as the two prepared for some Bombchu Bowling.
Later that evening, Link and Amari returned back to Hyrule Castle, laughing until tears came to their eyes. “That was so funny when that guy came into the shop and tried out a Bombchu! It almost hit you and you were all like ‘Aahhhhh!!!’” Amari teased, nearly doubling over with laughter. “You would have screamed and run too if you were being chased by a bomb!” Link laughed, clutching at his sides as he shook with laughter. The laughter soon died down to giggles and happy sighs when Daphnes came down the stairs. “Oh, Father, you have to hear about this! Link and I were-”
“Amari, I wish to speak with you in my bedroom. Now.” Daphnes cut her off, an official look of seriousness on his face. The two stopped smiling and Amari was lead away by her father. Link, who was still running on his ‘fun-time-with-Amari’ buzz, calmly sat down in the common room and warmed up by the fire. He started to doze off for a bit when the grandfather clock next to him struck midnight, exactly three hours after Amari’s meeting with her father. What could be taking them so long? Link wondered. Curious to see if they were still talking or not, Link found his way to Daphnes’ room. he put his ear to the door and, when he heard nothing, opened it.
He staggered and nearly vomited when he saw the body of the King of Hyrule of his bed. A Chinese short sword laying the bed next to him, covered in his blood. Daphnes’ entrails had been completely removed his body- which had been crudely cut open- and sprawled across the room like decorations. Every part of the King was covered in blood and hardly recognizable. Dear Gods... what could’ve happened here!?!? Link wondered, feeling nauseous. “Chi... chi... chi...” he heard someone whisper. In the far corner of the room, he saw Amari cradled in a fetal position rock herself back and forth as she cried and whispered “Chi... chi...” over and over again.
“Chi”... But, “chi” means... blood!?!? Link thought in shock as he approached the blood-stained Amari as she tried to comfort herself over her father’s death. “Amari, honey, what happened?” Link soothed, hugging her tightly as she clung to his tunic. She simply shook her head and continued saying “chi”. He helped her to her feet and lead her to the door to get Zelda. Don’t let her look at the body. Don’t let her look. He coached himself as he led her by the scene. He knew it was too late when he saw her eye dart to her father’s mutilated body and she started screaming uncontrollably. Zelda arrived first from the screaming as Link comforted her by saying, “No, baby, please don’t scream! Everything will be okay!”
“What’s going on down here!?” Zelda cried as she reached them. As soon as she saw her dead father, she, too, screamed and backed away from the door way. “What happened!?” she asked, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I don’t know. All I know is that...” As Link relayed his entire side of the story, she led Amari upstairs and cleaned her up while some guards investigate the murder. When Link finished, Zelda tried and failed to come up with a reasonable explanation. “Amari, sis...” Zelda began carefully. Amari said nothing and stared at the floor, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. “Do you know what happened? Did you see who killed Father?” Amari shook her head, refusing to look away from the floor.
Zelda looked at Link and said, “Maybe you’ll have better luck.” She stood and, after laying a sympathetic hand on her sister’s shoulder, left the room. Link scooted over until he as right next to Amari and held her hand in his. “Sweetheart, what-”
“He knew too much.” Amari interrupted, not making eye contact still. Link hesitated, but listened. “I don’t know how he found out, but, somehow, he knew. Knowing that was a death wish. He brought his own murder upon himself. If you wish to stay alive...” she trailed off, switch her gaze to him. Those same cat-like eyes stared up at him alongside that insane smile of hers as she said, “Then, I suggest you dig no deeper. You’re only going to get into more trouble!” Link stood sharply and began to back toward the bedroom door. Still watching his every move, Amari cackled wildly with her head tilted inhumanely possible that made her look like some sort of possessed doll. Frightened by his own fiance, Link escaped from the room and ran to his own, Amari’s haunting laugh following him all of the way.

1 comment:

Amari said...

I forgot to add this to the story, but I do not own anything apart from Amari. For the Legend of Zelda characters, all rights go to Nintendo. For the lyrics in the prologue, all rights go to Shimamiya Eiko who sang the song Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.